
Carole Kariuki

CEO, Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA)

Carole Kariuki holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Nairobi and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA. She has also pursued several professional courses on Stakeholder Management, Leadership and Private Sector Development among others. Carole before joining KEPSA did work briefly for Barclays Bank of Kenya, Nairobi Chapel and Sagamore Institute for Public Policy Research, Indianapolis – Indiana, where she acted as a liaison between Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and the Institute before formally joining KEPSA. She worked for several years at KEPSA before being appointed KEPSA CEO. MsMsariuki is credited for transforming KEPSA from a little-known Business Organisation to one of the most influential Organisations in Kenya and Globally. KEPSA is the Apex body of the private sector in Kenya, galvanizing the private sector through public-private dialogue and influencing the economic and development agenda.

Current Leadership Positions:

  • Board Chair: Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Board, Kenya.
  • Board Chair: LPC Global Logistics, Kenya.
  • Board Member: The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), Kenya.
  • Board Member: Jubilee Health Insurance Limited, Kenya.
  • Board Member: EA Cables (East African Cables PLC), Kenya.
  • Board Member: USIU-Africa Trustees (United States International University–Africa), Kenya.
  • Board Member: GiveDirectly, USA.
  • Board Vice Chair: Kiine Secondary School, Kirinyaga County, Kenya.
  • Board Member: UN Global Compact Network, Kenya.
  • Council Member: NCAJ chaired by the Chief Justice of Kenya (The National Council of Administrative Justice), Kenya.